Frequently Asked Questions

Can I provide my own hair? 

The Laced Legacy does allow customers to send bundles to be constructed into a unit. Bundles must be uncut or an additional fee will be charged. 

How can I send my hair to The Laced Legacy? 

The Laced Legacy has a P.O. Box that the hair should be sent to. We will go pickup hair, construct wig, and ship the unit back to you. 

How long does it take for a wig to be constructed? 

Units can take anywhere from 8-10 business days to be constructed. 8 day MINIMUM and 10 days MAXIMUM. If you are sending hair in construction time starts once the hair is delivered to the P.O. Box. 

Do I need to measure my head for a wig? 

Yes! To ensure proper fit once must provide the circumference of your head as well as ear to ear across the front for frontal units. 

Will my unit fall off? 

Units can be secured with combs/band or with lace glue. The customer will be asked if they would like combs or bands to be added to the unit. 

Will The Laced Legacy color my hair? 

Yes, the Laced Legacy does offer custom coloring. You will need to consult with us to determine if 613 hair is needed.

What does the price include?

Construction of the unit, plucking, bleaching of knots and styling.